These excerpts, in PDF file format, may be freely copied
and distributed for classroom use:
Chapter 1: The Origins of Genocide
Chapter 6: The Jewish Holocaust
An extensive selection of questions to encourage
classroom discussion and debate.
Please help to spread the word about Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction.
The pamphlet is in PDF file format (requires the Adobe Acrobat reader).
It can be photocopied double-sided on a single sheet of paper,
then folded into pamphlet form.
The syllabus for my Spring 2006 undergraduate course at Yale, which uses
Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction as the main textbook. In PDF file format.
An up-to-date compendium of news stories, features, and human rights reports
pertaining to genocide and crimes against humanity.
"It is absolutely the perfect textbook that I have been looking for for years, and I will use it the next time I teach my genocide course."
- Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann, Canada Research Chair in International Human Rights
Global Studies Program, Wilfrid Laurier University
Website designed and copyright 2005-06 by Adam