Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction - by Adam Jones Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction - by Adam Jones

Web Links

Aegis Genocide Prevention Initiative

A UK-based project that "will attempt to identify the causes, predict the development and prevent the incidence of genocide. Aegis is a unique initiative for which there is no pre-existing organisational model. It is designed to develop a powerful network that focuses the strengths of all those organisations, governmental and non-governmental, which already have an involvement in some aspect of reaction to or prevention of genocide. It will distil and disseminate the most useful and accurate knowledge available, providing advice on strategic planning for genocide prevention."

Center for Holocaust, Genocide and Peace Studies

The home page of the academic program at the University of Nevada, Reno, directed by Dr. Viktoria Hertling.

Crimes of War

Hosted by American University, this project is a collaborative effort of journalists, lawyers, and scholars "that seeks to raise awareness of the laws of war." Resources at the site include an online magazine, featured essays, analysis, a discussion forum, information on future seminars, and related resources. The essays are concise, cover a range of international topics, and link to related items on the site.

Death Tolls for the Man-made Megadeaths of the Twentieth Century

Vital source material on instances of modern mass killing, compiled by Matthew White.

Ethnic Cleansing Watch

Information and resources about ethnic cleansing, compiled by Benjamin Lieberman, Professor of History at Fitchburg State College.

Freedom, Democracy, Peace; Power, Democide, and War

Compiled by R.J. Rummel, one of the leading scholars of genocide, and coiner of the term "democide" ("murder by government"). Includes over 900 documents and some 4,000 pages of text supporting the theory of democide, as well as an onsite search engine and useful links.

Gendercide Watch

Web-based educational initiative that confronts gender-selective atrocities against men and women worldwide.

The Genocide Research Project:
Links to Other Resources for Teaching and Research on Genocide

The single most useful and extensive collection of links and resources on genocide studies, compiled by the Genocide Research Project of the University of Memphis and the Pennsylvania State University.

Genocide Studies Media File

A compendium of news stories, features, and human rights reports pertaining to genocide and crimes against humanity. Compiled by Adam Jones.

Genocide Studies Program - Yale University

Home page of the Yale University program directed by noted Cambodia scholar Ben Kiernan. Includes materials on "Theory and Analysis," "History and Description," and "Detection and Prevention."

Holocaust and Genocide Links

A resource list prepared by Linda M. Woolf of Webster University (see below).

Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS)

The home page of the institute established by, among others, leading genocide scholars Frank Chalk and Kurt Jonassohn.

Prevent Genocide International

"Prevent Genocide International is a nonprofit educational organization established in 1998 with the purpose of bringing about the elimination of the crime of genocide. The organizaton makes particular use of the Internet as a way of linking persons around the world in a transnational network of global civic engagement and action." A multilingual site (German, French, Spanish, English).

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)

"The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is America's national institution for the documentation, study, and interpretation of Holocaust history, and serves as this country's memorial to the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust."

Web Genocide Documentation Centre: Internet Resources on Genocide and Mass Killings

An exceedingly helpful page of links compiled by Dr. Stuart Stein of the University of the West of England.

Webster University's Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights

"Genocide is the most extreme threat to fulfillment of [human] needs and aspirations, and the Holocaust perhaps the most horrible example of their systematic deprivation. The Webster University Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights takes as its mission the education of our students, our faculty, our community and ourselves."

Yahoo! Full Coverage: Human Rights

A wide-ranging compilation of recent reporting on human-rights issues, with an additional link to materials on genocide.

This list will be supplemented and updated over time. Please send suggested links to

The Israel/Palestine "Genocide" Debate: Selected Documents